Title: Mickey Artist: Toni Basil Vidder: bunniqula Pairings: Nakatsu/Mizuki, Sano/Nakatsu Link: [20.3megs, 624x352 DivX] or [58.9megs, 704x396 XviD] or [YouTube] Summary: Sometimes, the boy doesn't get the girl dressed as a boy; sometimes, he gets the boy dressed as a girl.
Notes: The version shown at VividCon's Premieres vidshow is somewhat
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Title: Truth Author: orange_rotted Rating: M Wordcount: 3,128 Pairings: Nakatsu x Kayashima (Hana Kimi) Disclaimer: don't own. don't sue. the end. Warnings: yaoi, sexual suggestion, PWP LOLZ Summary: Who am I to deny truth? Shall I choose now to speak? To carry the vibrations over my vocal chords and confess that I want him to touch me.
Hi everyone! This will be my last Nakatsu's Thoughts post! I have written a summary of Nakatsu's development throughout the entire Hana Kimi series and how he has influenced others as well as how they have influenced him. I included a few screencaps, but this is mostly commentary on Nakatsu and analysis of his personality. Thanks for your
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I hope it's okay if I made two posts in a row, because I worried if I just edit it some people might not notice. But if I have to delete this entry and edit my last one please tell me m(_ _)m